Comet meets the challenges of remote working by offering innovative spaces that encourage intergenerational links and learning.

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In response to the increase in remote working and generational diversity within companies, Comet is positioning itself as a leader in the debate on adapting working environments, and in particular collective workspaces, to today's needs. With its meeting and event spaces located in the heart of Madrid, Comet not only meets the challenges of the modern working environment, but also revitalizes the professional experience by fostering human connection. This is all the more crucial in the age of hybrid working, where the human connection remains essential.

Romina Maillochaud, Chief Experience Officer at Comet, points out : "In the context of remote working, we cannot underestimate the importance of emotional well-being and human connection. Our spaces and activities are specifically thought out and designed to create a balance where employees, especially younger ones, connect not only on a technological level but also on a human one, thus strengthening their sense of belonging and motivation. Indeed, we firmly believe that collaborative dynamics are essential to business growth, as well as to employees' personal development. This is where the magic happens, and it can't be properly achieved with simple videoconferencing software!"

At Comet, we focus on promoting an inclusive and collaborative environment, fostering the convergence of different generations. Aware of the importance of cultivating a sense of belonging to the company in the workplace, we encourage companies to organize team-building activities that reinforce organizational culture and foster collaboration between teams. These activities aim to strengthen bonds between employees and cultivate a more enriching and motivating work environment. This is obviously beneficial for the company itself, as involved and motivated employees create far more value than passive ones.

The hybrid working model, an increasingly prevalent reality in Spain and around the world, poses new challenges in terms of collaboration and human connection. The further people are able to work away from each other, from their own private spaces or from isolated third places, the more companies need to find occasional solutions to reinforce cohesion through real collective and collaborative events. Comet therefore advocates a balance between efficiency and interpersonal relationships, designing its spaces to offer flexible, secure environments to suit.

The data collected by Comet in collaboration with YOUGOV is revealing: over 50% of Spanish workers indicate that the isolation of teleworking has a negative impact on their personal and professional development. Comet responds to this reality, recognizing the value of face-to-face contact in stimulating creativity and a sense of belonging, while adapting to the need for concentration and productivity. For example, at Comet facilities, we offer a "smartphone garage" where employees can leave their devices and concentrate fully on their tasks without distractions. In addition, we encourage group lunches as a time to strengthen bonds between colleagues and foster a collaborative atmosphere. What's more, we offer an all-inclusive service to our customers, aiming to devote ourselves entirely to their content and guests, guaranteeing a smooth, high-quality experience.

Comet positions itself as a pioneer in solving the challenges of hybrid working, offering spaces that enhance collaboration and strengthen corporate culture. Its innovative approach underlines the importance of human contact in today's working world, marking a before and after in the way companies approach remote working.