Give that extra Comet touch to all of your meetings 

To encourage collaboration and socialization at work, give your teams exclusive access to the quality and flexibility of the Comet experience.
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Discover all of our

Organize your meetings and events with Comet Meetings

Are you looking for a central, fresh, fully-equipped venue for a meeting or big event? Our Meeting Scientists are always available to adapt to your most specific needs in Paris, Brussels or Madrid.
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Subscribe to Comet Teamwork

If you no longer have an office, or if your office doesn't offer enough meeting space, then a subscription to Comet Teamwork might be a good solution! Subscribe and reserve our spaces and bring your stakeholders together, organize collective work sessions or create team moments. We only charge per consumption.
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Rent your offices
Comet Workplaces

Are you looking for offices that combine design, good assistance and flexibility? We've applied hotel standards to your day-to-day offices.
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Transform your office with
Comet Hospitality

Are you looking to spruce up your offices? Adapting them to more collaborative uses? Rely on our expertise. Our team will support you at every stage of the project, from the expression of need to the day-to-day management of on-site operations once the space has been delivered.
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