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The Future of Work is a subject as vast as it is structuring, deconstructing our organizations to make them more flexible and ever more adapted to our needs. What an opportunity! At Comet, we're taking a (very) close interest.
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Visit Comet Meetings : Comet Arboretum


The impact of the frame in a workspace


5 reasons to bring your teams together


The hotel office: the solution that brings flexibility to stone


Visit Comet Meetings : Comet Ternes


Organizing a conference in Paris


Videos and podcasts

The office-hotel: Comet's solution

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Office bashing or office apocalypse?

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Marine & Sophie talk about Comet Arboretum.

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MIPIM 2024 by Comet - Brief summary

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MIPIM 2024 by Comet - Philippe Chiambaretta

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MIPIM 2024 by Comet - Walid Goudiard

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