3 practical tips on how to take care of your mental health at work, from the meeting experts at Comet

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Well-being is proven to improve communication between employees: it helps to tighten bonds and improve relations between workers, including with superiors, because when you feel good, you work better. In other words, it boosts performance and efficiency, improves decision-making, stimulates creativity, increases productivity and reduces absenteeism. What's more, cognitive science teaches us that our attention is a finite resource: if we want to be productive and at the peak of our creativity and collective intelligence, we need to avoid mental overload and find the right balance between mind and body.

Comet, with the support of its "meetings scientists" or experts in productive meetings, recommends these exercises throughout the working day, to regenerate our energy and nervous system through the body and by channeling our attention.

Relaxing before a meeting: Conscious breathing
Sit in a relaxed position, feet under knees, back straight and neck extended. Set a timer for 3 to 5 minutes and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breathing without modifying it: where do you feel it moving? What's its rhythm and volume? Do you feel relaxed or tense? Keep your attention on these sensations, trying to stop both body and mind. By concentrating on these sensations without trying to change them, you'll achieve natural relaxation.

Remobilize energy at lunchtime: Open up to the outside world
In the middle of the day, we often get caught up in our own thoughts, and to revitalize ourselves and regain motivation, it's essential to disconnect in order to reconnect. There are many ways to do this, such as taking a short walk outside the office without a cell phone, engaging in a conversation where we listen attentively to our colleagues without distractions, or simply taking a moment to observe our surroundings without thinking about anything else.

End the day in peace
Sit in a chair with your back straight and your feet anchored to the floor below your knees. Raise both hands to the sky and, using your right hand, push your left hand upwards. Hold the posture and breathe deeply and comfortably. Repeat on the other side. This posture stretches and restores the space between vertebrae that become tense during the day, also relieving tension in the back and massaging and opening the front of the chest, helping to prevent back pain caused by prolonged sitting.

Performing certain exercises is fundamental to reminding us at work that our body is not only a support for our mind, but that it's also important to take care of it. That's why Comet offers its customers wellness sessions that encourage face-to-face meetings in environments that foster collective intelligence, equipped with innovative technologies and located in inspiring locations.